What we do

Our services reach deep into the needs of our veterans and our community.

From education to therapy, from community to service, MMISBRUNNR provides what's needed the most to those who deserve it the most.

A Place of Peace

Our veterans have seen a lot and families have paid a high price. We recognize the stresses of service and provide a tranquil respite among kindred souls. 

A Place of Camaraderie

As veterans, we know that sometimes you just need to be around people who already know. We’ve walked many of the same roads, we’ve experienced many of the same struggles. 

A Place of Learning

We teach veterans and their families essential skills:  horticulture, homesteading, raising animals, and more, because self-sufficiency is self-care.

We Work

We dig, we plant, we weed, we nurture, we grow, we harvest, we process, we distribute.
We do this because there is little out there that’s better for dealing with the noise of life than some good, purposeful work.

We Connect

We connect our veterans with the Earth, with each other, with the memories of those who walked before us, and with our greater community.

We Serve

We provide veterans with the hole left after service to our country, purpose. By donating our crops to feed our community, we reconnect with why we served… to make the world a better place.